find somethin' on this blog.


flea market fancy giveaway.

Yep. I'm giving away a fat quarter of each of these coveted fabrics right here. Here is how you can enter......

1. Leave a comment on this blog for 1 chance to win.

2. Leave a comment and "Follow" the blog for a second chance to win. Following the blog is as easy as clicking on the Follow button in my sidebar, once you've done that, tell me!

It's just that easy. Really folks.

But wait.......*in my best Billy Mays voice* ( may he rest in peace)....

For a very short time you have the chance to purchase the pink spotted leaves at a super low price considering the market. My gal pal over at Mazawi is offering U.S. craftyblossom followers $4OFF a half yard of her stash of the good stuff! Just mention my blog in a convo to her and she'll hook you up. Oh, and she said she wanted to give those of you who live in the U.S.of A a break on shipping.....Its FREE! hurry while supplies last!

aww yeah.

get on it folks.

I'll announce a winner on Friday! Good Luck.


carolyn said...

Does it count if I already follow your blog with a RSS feed :)
It's a fun and inspiring blog BTW...

Amy said...

Sign me up. Love these colors!!! My stash-building did not start up until after these fabrics were out. Would really be nice to get my hands on some!

alittlebitofscrap said...

Love it and hey, I'm already a "follower" :) Does that mean extra brownie points ;) My niece would look cute! in something made/embellished with these.

Me? A Mom? said...

Great giveaway! I follow you on google reader. Not sure if that counts or not. :)

Leslie said...

well...can i have an extra for already following? this is a great giveaway!

One Flew Over said...

Very generous giveaway! Count me in my dear and I am alreadu one of your lovely followers x

Katie said...

Oooo I would love love love these!! Hoping to win one of these giveaways one day soon! (Maybe friday?) :) thx!

Katie said...

I'm a follower too! ;) thx again

RosaMarĂ­a said...

love those fabrics!! thanks for the chance to win!!!

RosaMarĂ­a said...

and i'm alredy a follower!! thanks to much for the extra chance!!!

Anita said...

I would love a chance to win some of that beautiful fabric. You are in my google reader account.

bratty brenda said...

I'm a follower.

I also would just like to add that it is because of your blog that makes me find time to quilt with 4 daughters running around the house.

Thank you for reminding em to have time for me :)

Renee G said...

Please include me. This looks like such fun fabric.


Aunt Spicy said...

Ohhhh! How can you part with it?! It is such lovly fabric!

Aunt Spicy said...

I have you in google reader and on an RSS feed!

Paula said...

Oh, please sign me up! I love this colorway and am just starting to collect bits of this fabric!

Paula said...

I have also been following your blog on google reader for quite some time! Thanks for the chance to win!

Julie said...

love your blog! very impressed you are willing to part with the beloved FMF.

Julie said...

ok and now i am a follower! thanks for the inspiration

Linnea said... nice of you to share some of your lovely FMF with us!

Linnea said...

Oh yah...and I too follow your blog with google reader. I always enjoy when it tells me you've posted. thanks for the inspiration :)

Artsy Aut said...

Loving that fabric! Great giveaway!

Artsy Aut said...

And now I am a follower of your blog!

Nystral Djo said...

aww, i love that fabric =) so nice.

Nystral Djo said...

oh and ps, i follow your blog with bloglines!

Erica said...

Parting if FMF is a tough one. I'll be crossing my fingers!

Erica said...

just added you to my google reader!

Digital Misfit said...

LOVE that fabric! The colors are just so pretty :)

Digital Misfit said...

I am a new follower and I look forward to reading more posts :)


Wendy said...

I would be thrilled to win those fabrics!
Thanks for the chance!

Wynn Tan said...

pick me pls! *wink* i would love to make a dress for my baby girl who is due next jan! ^_^ i hope i'm the lucky one!

randi said...

I'm in! Flea Market Fancy is the most adorable line!

Leslie said...

well here i go for a second!!! i am already a follower...thanks for being generous and sharing

sewtakeahike said...

Hi Erica!
Thank you so much for leaving me a note about your giveaway on sewtakeahike. I ordered some of the FMF your friend has in her etsy and cannot WAIT to get it!

sewtakeahike said...

I'm a follower now too!

ayumills said...

Hi erica-
This is such a nice giveaway! I love Denyse Schmidt's fabric but it's getting harder to find her fabric anywhere.
Love everything you make!!

ayumills said...

I don't use Blogger's follower thing but I subscribe to your blog via Google reader ;)

Sophia said...

Yes, how could you bear to part with such beautiful fabric? What a fun giveaway!!!!

Jen Sue Wild said...

very pretty.. I think it would make an amazeing craft apron!

Jen Sue Wild said...

Ps I Follow!!

Ashley said...

what a generous giveaway! FMF is definitely my favorite line!!

Ashley said...

oh, and I'm already a follower! (fingers crossed!)

Terriaw said...

These fabrics sure are a hot item in blogland these days! How courageous of you to give some away!

beth said...

I LOVE love love the leaves print and found your blog via the sometimes crafter.

Bobbi said...

I love these prints! I hope I win!

I am also now following you!

beth said...

#2 Plus, I just added you to my google reader. I likey, like, like what I see!! Love the prints and easy to follow ideas!

Jenny said...

super giveaway, i would love to have these fabrics, i totally missed out on FMF when it was readily available!!thanks for the chance.
krousegirl2 at aol dot com

Sally said...

Oh my, that fabric would make my day!

Sally said...

And now I follow you! so fun to have found you.

Bec said...

Beautiful fabrics and colours! I'm going to make sure to follow the blog - I'm loving your work.

Mandy said...

I've never seen your blog before now, glad I found it! I've never had any FMF and would LOVE some, especially the pink!

Mandy said...

And now I'm following, of course=)

Jennifer said...

The Sometimes Crafter had a link to your page and I'm so happy she did! You have a great page. I'm clicking "follow" as soon as I am done with this comment.

Always Sewing said...

I am now a follower! I am glad to have found you. I love the cute stuff you have made. I found you from The Sometime Crafter.

Sara said...

Winning this would be somewhat like winning the lotto for me! I have two of the other pink prints of FMF, but that's it! These would be the perfect addition to my stash!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Andrea said...

Sign me up...I love this line. What a great giveaway. I follow you through google reader, but I'm going to "follow" you now too.

Andrea said...

I'm now a follower too!

VeronicaMade said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'm am now a follower.

Linda said...

I`m now a follower! Love the stuff you´re making, and the bibs you make are the cutest I`ve ever seen!

Lindsey said...

great giveway! Thanks for the chance!

abby o said...

oooh oooh, pick me!! I'm a follower...

Nanna said...

Ohhhhhhh!!! I love these fabrics! Pretty pretty pretty.

Amy C. said...

I've heard so much about this fabric, I'm beginning to think it's a quilting myth. Winning would, of course, make it real. :)

Amy C. said...

I follow you on Google Reader on a different email address. If you need to verify (i.e. I win!) please let me know. Thanks!

Kelly O. said...

Flea Market Fancy!!!
crossing my fingers

Samantha said...

Ooh, I'd love to win! What a wonderful give away!
(BTW, I just signed up to follow!)

Anonymous said...

Oooooh, I hope I'm still in time for this lovely giveaway, 'cause I *heart* these lovely fabrics. And I follow your blog in my Google Reader, does that count? Greetings from the Netherlands!

Annika said...

So cute fabrics! I´d love to win them :) I wrote a small note in my blog, and I´d be happy to follow yours.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'd love to win your lovely fabrics. I have a new quilt I am just getting ready to start. And ... a few other (secret) projects for Christmas gifts.

Bethany said...

What a great giveaway! Sadly I started quilting after these beautiful fabrics were out of print.

Anonymous said...

I just pasted your blog in my google reader ... so I am a new follower in that manner. I hope that counts for another entry. Have a great week!

Aimee said...

What a generous giveaway! I am a follower!

Paula L. said...

Beautiful fabrics, please count me in!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com said...

Fabulous fabrics....I would love to have some...sign me up.
Peggy in NJ

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Molly said...

Oh my!!! I would love to win this! I'm adding you to my google-reader (I just figured that out a few days ago). Does that count??

Cristin said...

Sweet! count me in! ;-)
I love pretty pink!

Cristin said...

Yay, and now I'm a follower too!

Erin said...


I missed the boat on this collection the first time around (I wasn't a quilter)

Thank you so much for having this giveaway!

Erin said...

Oh, and yes, I follow you as well!

/crosses fingers!

KatieGirlBlue said...

Oh, yes please!

TJ, Kaylan, Miles, Perry & Simon said...

Oh, my gosh, these are awesome!!

Heather said...

I follow you, and would love to be a part of the giveaway. Love your beautiful quilts.

TJ, Kaylan, Miles, Perry & Simon said...

I'm a follower now too:) I hope I win!!!

Courtepointe said...

Oh my word! I thought I'd never get a chance to own some of this fabric! I really hope to win.

Julie said...

Found via The Sometime Crafter and now I'm a follower via RSS - love your projects!!

Anonymous said...

FMFF here-Flea Market Fancy Freak!
Thanks for the opportunity!

Andi said...

Lovely giveaway.
Count me in!!
Andi :-)

Betsy said...

please count me in. I don't have these colors.

Angela said...

Love the prints and love your blog! I just became a new follower :)

Suzi said...

Count me in!

Suzi said...

I follow!

free indeed said...

Lovely coveted fabrics!

Nancy said...

Wow! You are brave to giveaway these items so coveted! Thanks for the chance to win.
spackattak7 at hotmail dot com

Jocelyn said...

I'd love to enter your giveaway. Those fabrics are so beautiful! Thanks.

Janet said...

Love the fabric. Thanks for this opportunity to win!!

SewCalGal said...

Very cute fabric. I haven't seen this line before. Thanks for sharing. And, please count me in for your fun giveaway.


Britta said...

Pretty fabric. I already follow your blog via RSS feed. I love it!

Donna said...

Following your blog now.

Whee - thanks for the chance to win!

kindredcrafters1(at) gmail (dot) com

- Donna

Di~ said...

This is a fun giveaway, I certainly include myself with the many who love FMF. Hopefully more will come on the market. Thank You.

Di~ said...

I follow you!

Anonymous said...

The fabrics are beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win. I'm now following your blog.


carynd said...

poor girls love free fabric.

wishes, true and kind said...

Oh, I so heart Flea Market Fancy and have never had any! I am following your blog :).

zarina said...

I would love to have a chance to own some of these fabrics (very pricey to get them in Malaysia).

zarina said...

There are still so many quilting blog that I don't know. Just become one of your follower.

connie said...

I am new to your blog and I am now a follower. I love this fabric!!!! Thanks for sharing.

Deb said...

I can see why the fabrics are so sought after! They're beautiful. Pls enter me!

Deb said...

I just became a follower!

Katie said...

Ooh such a wonderful giveaway, I am a recent follower.


Anonymous said...

What a treat to find this blog! Love that fabric! Thanks for the chance to win it!

Mary Beth

Anya said...

Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance!

Twinfibers said...

Those are such pretty prints! Thanks for the giveaway! said...

What a lovely little pile of fabric - I am happy to have found your blog Dee x

Cherry Possum said...

I'd love to have those fabrics in my stash, thanks for the giveaway.

Kassia said...

Oooo pretty fabrics!!

Kassia said...

Oh and I subscribed to your blog with Google Reader. :)

Kigwit said...

Does Google reader count? I hope that FMF comes back.

Mendi said...

I am a new follower.. very nice giveaway, and a great blog.

Nancey said...

Wow, what a nice giveaway

Nancey said...

And now I'm following you. You are too kind to do this. I've never seen any of these in person.

Can't Believe I'm Sewing said...

That fabric is amazing...sign me up!

Can't Believe I'm Sewing said...

I'm following your blog!

Louby Lou said...

Wow! So generous!

Sarah Seitz said...

I would love to win these! FMF is one of my faves!

Sarah @

Nova said...


Mama&CO said...

would love a chance to win these beauties! please enter me!!

Ann-Christin said...

oOf course I want to have chance to win that lovely fabric! I have signed up asa follower, too!

Ann-Christin in Sweden

Jen said...

Wow! I'd love to win. This fabric is beautiful!

Renee said...

I am really glad I stumbled onto your blog. The fabric in your give away is just too beautiful.

J said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Wendyb said...

Just come over for a looky, from the Sometimes Crafter's blog....and becoming a!!
thanks...gonna add you to my feedlist too!
;o) Wendy B

Unknown said...

yummy, please count me in

inkywu said...

Sing me up. I never got the pink version of the line.
Thank you for doing the give away.