find somethin' on this blog.


a wonderful remembrance.

This is my shadow box in all of its glory. That is before it fell off the wall and my figurines broke! I suppose that's what I get for collecting seemingly unnecessary objects. Although, these were all contained in one little place and did not add to the clutter of which the rest of my home has become. I think I might take some gorilla glue to a couple of the pieces, I still don't have it in me to toss them out.


Joanne Huffman said...

Oh no! Don't toss them out. Whatever you can't glue together can become a part of something else.


cutfingerproductions said...

Story of my life! See we have lots in common!!!
On a somber note...I am sorry! That just stinks:(
Sewing today? I will be checkin in! See you!:) Laura