The quilt is all pieced now, just last night I put together the backing and it is all basted and ready for quilting... I can't wait to see how it all comes together binding and all! It is so hard to leave a project this close to being finished to go to work. I know that I will be thinking about stitching it up all day long!
~happy sewing!
I'm impressed with the progress you've made already on this quilt! I love how it looks so far. I know what you mean about being so close to finishing, and then having to set it aside for a day of slogging at work - I hate that!
I just love the colors!
Lovely quilt. I totally agree with you about hating to leave nearly finished projects.
Love the colors! Can't wait to see it finished. I'm bad because I get excited about working on quilts but have a hard time finishing them. Do you have a quilting machine or do you do them in the sewing machine? I am so lazy I was thinking of hiring someone to do the quilting...I have a hard time getting big quilts done in my sewing machine.
Love the colour combination!
I love those fabrics, this is going to be gorgeous.
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