After admiring the utility and
adorability ( ha, that's not a word!) of
jennifer's kidlet, i though it high time to make my own. This is part of my nephew's Christmas gift (he who loves all that is orange,
camouflage and
skully.) It is really simple and you can find the tutorial

I like the way it hangs easily over the doorknob. Really, really great idea!

And I also made some cookies because it was a cold, snowy day and all I want to do is feather my nest. I love these kind of days....
Yum...send some of those this way :)! I will send you a pic of the tree came out oval, but I guess that's what happens when you don't use a pattern and do everything free hand...sometimes I'm too impatient for the time it takes to put the "quality" in a project...
Hope you are doing well...we're hoping to come to kalamazoo in april maybe!
I'm not sure what a kidlet is, but it looks adorable and the cookies look yummy.
Great kidlet!
Great kidlet!
Erica I laughed out loud when u said that's not really a word in apostrophes after saying one. So familiar:)
Many words end in ish to me lately..??
Super freakin cute bag! Love the colors. Sharp!
Cookies? Yes Please:)Yum!
This looks really good. Thanks for the link. Hope you are keeping well.
Lovely blog youu have
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