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grey and white herringbone quilt.

Hellooooo... Just popping in to share some quiltiness on this fine Monday evening. I finished this cutie nearly 4 months ago but it got lost under a stack of other quilts. I finally excavated it to photograph and  share with you all. 

I ADORE this little baby quilt and am thrilled with how closely it matches the inspiration. It was inspired by a rug that I had seen and pinned to one of my Pinterest boards. Do you all use Pinterest? I don't get on there too often because when I do, I find that I've lost a couple of hours and  feel like I need to redecorate my entire apartment. 

Anyway, back to the quilt, You may have noticed that I usually use solid backings on my quilts, but for some reason I went with a gorgeous vintage cotton from the 40s or possibly the 50s. I think when I bought it, the seller thought it was from the 40s. So, I will go with does feel like other cottons I have from that era: super soft! I so wish I had yards and yards of this vintage fabric because I would flip for a full size quilt in this pattern for myself, love that fabric so so much! It's a dreamy denim blue with crisp white flowers with grey shading and red and yellow centers. So much to love. Oh, how I ramble....

Thanks for checking in.



Bailey Martin said...

Absolutely beautiful! A little different spin than some of your others which makes it even more fun! Love, Love, LOVE!

*katie said...

I LOVE all of your quilts! LOVE!!!

Li-Sha said...

I love this quilt! Herringbone is maybe one of my favorite patterns, and lately I've been tempted to make a herringbone quilt. Yours is beautiful!

Tennjenny said...

I'm with Katie: I love all your quilts and this is no exception.

Joanne Huffman said...

Love the contrast of the herringbone on the front and the flowers on the back. Another example of your great eye for putting the right fabrics together.

Anonymous said...

Another great quilt! Love the herringbone pattern.

I love Pinterest but I am not on there too much - when I am it is the travel photos that make me crazy :)

LeeAnn said...

I think I just found my inspiration for my new blanket I'll be sewing! Love that backing too!

Jan said...

Love the quilt, it's very striking and the 40's fabric is the bomb. Yes, I'm hooked on Pinterest. Right now I can win free fabric, if I get enough repins on this: Wish me luck!

Svetlana said...

it's such a totally gorgeous quilt, everything about it is simply perfect!!

Laura said...

This is beautiful! Do you sell these?

hosander said...

I keep pinning all these beautiful solid color quilts, then i realized the pictures are all taken on the same ladder... DING same quilter. I love your quilts, you have a great eye for color and contrast.

abby o said...

I LOOOOOOOVE this!! But then, I love ALLLLL your quilts...I've been trying to decide which one to make for my son's room and now you've complicated things even more. May have to make a few...

beth said...

oh, wow!! this is fantastic!!! simple and lovely!!

Alexis said...

Would you share where you got this pattern? Or - how you made it? LOVE IT! Would be great for our new nursery!

life in red shoes said...

Be still my heart, this quilt calls to me!

Casey said...

I'm currently planning a quilt with all solids and it never even occured to me to use a print on the back. Thanks for the inspiration! Yours is lovely!

Anonymous said...

I love this quilt! are you planning on selling it or could I get the pattern from you?

Caroline @ The Feminist Housewife said...

I am absolutely in love with this quilt. Like everyone else, I would love more details or a pattern. Or maybe at least some tips? ; )


Snail said...

This quilt is so successful: the colors, the proportions, the patterns. Very lovely. I'll be giving this a go! Thanks for the inspiration!

Rachel and Marshall said...

Where did you get the ladder/quilt rack? What a fabulous way to display the quilt!

Anonymous said...

I would love to know where you got this pattern, too. This one is different than other ones I've seen before. It looks simple, though. I'd love to try it. Great job!

erica said...

Hey everyone! Thank you for the kind words about this quilt...

Just popping in to answer a few questions:
-I did not use a pattern for this quilt. I figured out my design using half-square triangles, using the rug I linked to as my inspiration.
-I won the ladder at an auction a couple of years glad I did!
-Yes, I sell my quilts...well, most of them. You can find a link to my shop in the sidebar or use my blog name in your preferred search engine and it should come up.

You all are the best, thank you for continually inspiring me to create :)
CB Handmade

erinvechols said...

Are you selling this? Where do I buy a quilt like this?

erinvechols (at)

Renee said...

What are the solid colors on this quilt?

Unknown said...

Oh, I fell in love with your quilts, but this is my favourite!

Unknown said...

Your quilts are gorgeous! Wish I could learn a few tricks from you!

Anonymous said...

I love this quilt! I've seen the front on Pinterest several times, but this was the first time to link to the blog and see the fun fabric on the back. I love the contrast of the soft gray and white and then the fun floral blue.

Unknown said...

This turned out striking! Love the two color tones!


kipas angin usb said...

beautifull stuff , i like it

harada57 said...
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