Supplies: 1.25 inch Rug binding or twill tape-there is an adhesive variety, do not purchase this...we need to iron our labels and it simply won't work for our purposes.
Stamp Pad- I use an acid free pad intended for paper
Iron with steam

Begin by cutting your twill tape to desired length. It should extend about 1 inch past your text and logo, mine tend to be about 3 inches (If you're making a mass quantity I recommend cutting and stamping one before you cut them all and realize that it is too short).

Once the ink has dried (usually just a couple of minutes), take a hot iron to them to heat set the ink. I have never had a problem with ink transferring to my iron, but if you are worried you may choose to use a pressing cloth.

Fold the ends back at least 1/4 inch and press

Get out the Heat n' Bond and cut 1 inch strips

One side is a smooth paper, and the other side is a rough adhesive.

Cut to the length of your label and iron with steam the rough side of the Heat n' Bond to the back of your label.

When you are ready to use your label simply peel off the paper to reveal the fusible surface.
I use a steamy hot iron to attach the label to my products, I then stitch around the perimeter of the label to reinforce the hold. I have never encountered any problems with this method and enjoy the homespun look of them.
I purchased my "Hand Made" stamp from The Small Object she has great stuff!
I hope this tutorial is clear, let me know if there is something that I've missed.
I will answer any incoming questions in the comment section so that everyone can benefit...
Good luck and go make something!
Please Note: I do not make any claims regarding the longevity of the ink used in this method of label-making with repeated washings. These labels may not be suitable for garments or other items requiring routine machine washing. You may wish to seek out permanent stamp pads designed for use with fabric.
Thank you for this tutorial!! I have been wanting labels for my quilts but was unsure of what to do. These labels are perfect! I can't wait to make some!
great tutorial!! thanks!
I need make some of those!
Love it. Thanks for the Tute! Perfect timing bc am about to make labels using an old pink penguin tutorial. Yours is easy-peasey however. And easy is good!
Great tutorial, thanks for sharing!
perfectly written and clearly understandable tutorial.
Cool tutorial! How fun to get a sneak peak inside your secret to these adorable labels. Love your technique, so thank you for sharing!
thanks for sharing your label-making method!!
My JoAnns seems to refuse to carry twill tape - Thanks for the idea of Rug Binding!
definitely trying these erica. :) love these so much
Thanks for the tutorial! I can't wait to make my own labels.
Thank you for the wonderful tutorial! Can these labels be washed?
Thanks Michelle (and all you fabulous ladies)! I wash my labels all the time and haven't had any issues...hope this method works for you :)
Great tute...I'd really like to know what brand of ink you are using?
Awesome! Thanks for your tutorial!
Stopping by from Childmade....
Come see me at SunScholars.blogspot.com
Great labels!
Thats EXACTLY how I make my labels too... besides the heatNbond on the back, which I will have to try! Excellent idea! ;-)
can't say thanks enough. i have longed to make these but just did not have the first step on how to do it. Now i know and can do it my self. you could even us muslin. thanks again!!
Thanks for this awesome info! What brand ink do you use?
Thanks for all the kind words everyone!
There have been a couple of questions about the type of ink that I use...
I use a regular old stamp pad intended for scrapbooking! Who knew?
I use "Memories" acid free Dye Inkpad
and "ColorBox" Fluid chalk inkpad. I have been successful with each brand, so I don't think it matters which brand you use.
Good luck and stamp 'em up!
CB Handmade
Great tutorial and super cute labels!!
Great tutorial! I am definitely going to give this a try as I am terribly remiss in labeling my quilts! Thanks!
great tutorial! Thankyou!
One question though...how to they with stand repetative washing and drying?
Thank you for the tutorial - I'm on my way out the door to find some twill tape!
Have you ever had the ink was off the label after washing the quilt multiple times?
thanks so much for sharing with us, really appreciate it, was also wondering if the ink washes out? i noticed the last person (i read thru all the post, looking for the answer), was also wondering. am presuming it does not .....
Great tutorial!! I've always wanted to get my own labels but couldn't afford to get them printed by the 100s. I love how simple and sweet these labels are, definitely going to take some tips!! Thank you!
I was wondering if these are washer safe or will the ink fade?
Great tutorial, super cute labels!
Awesome! Thank you for sharing.
Awesome~~ I was also wanting to know about washing and drying numerious times..
GREAT idea.
Thank you so much. I am a newby and need all the help I can get.
Where did you find the twill tape? We only have a Hobby Lobby and I did not find any there.
Hello All, I hope you have a lot of success with these! Just stopping in to answer a couple of questions.
- I have not had issue with fading ink after multiple washings, but this may be an issue for some purposes. I use them mainly on quilts and bags. How often do we wash bags, and I try not to over-wash quilts...
- I purchased my Rug Binding at Hobby Lobby, it is about $5.00 (and you can always use a coupon). It can be located in the crochet section, hanging on the wall. Or ask someone ;)
-JoAnn's also sells Twill Tape in the by the yard ribbon section (at least mine does)
Good Luck!
CB Handmade
Thank you sooooooo much!! :DDD
Thank you for your help with this. I have wanted to put labels on my knitted products. I am excited to get to working on this project!
You can make your own stamp with you Cricut and the stamp blank material. Use your deep blade, slow, not too detailed works best. Mine turned out really good, I'm impressed!!
FYI to anyone that wants to wash something with these labels on items... Using a regular stamp ink pad doesn't stay on through washing, it comes off completely. I'm getting one made for fabric and is permanent.
I was just wondering if you could explain (clarify) how I can make a stamp using a cricut? For some reason I'm not understanding what you mean. :-P Thanks!
i really love this tutorial.
I have a question, what for fabric are you using to stamp on? Is it cotton fabric? Hope u answer my question.
This tutorial is just perfect. Thanks so much.
I found Bondex brand Twill Rug & Canvas Binding. I hope this will work though it has a shiny back. I found this at Joanns in the 'patches' area. They did not have the very specific Rug Binding by MCG Textiles. Any ideas if the type I found will work? Thanks!
When stamping any clothing, I use a permanent ink pad specifically for fabric. Over time it will eventually fade but not nearly as fast as using a regular ink pad for items that will be routinely laundered. Something to think about.
Shannon, thanks for the tip on the ink! I have not tried the brand of rug binding you found, so I can only speculate. It sounds like it has an adhesive on it so I would test it out on a fabric first and use a pressing cloth if you use an iron to avoid gumming up the plate of your iron. Let us know it works for you after you've tried it! Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks so much!! I will give all the tips a try! Sandy
Do you know what the cost per tag comes out to be?
You can also design a tag on your computer and print it on the special paper which transfers to fabric. Follow the instructions on the packet. I found mind at Office Max.
YOU ROCK!!!! Just sayin'
What a perfectly brilliant idea - the tutorial makes it so ' I can do' able' that at last I'll finally make something I've loved on Pinterest - hooray and many thanks for the great inspiration Erica
This is awesome! Thank you for posting.
Great idea and looking forward to the next tutorial!
yay for handmade!
Love these type of fabric labels.
Thank you for sharing your 'how-to' so we can all be as creative as you.
Where did you get the "underscore" stamp? I've been looking for one and can't seem to find any!
I really like your label tute. I've tried several label techniques and haven't really been happy with them. I'm going to give this a try AND share it with my readers on my next Friday Finds.
Genius, I have been trying to figure out how to do that!!!! Thanks!!! Happy dance!!!!!
This is really great . I like it .
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Yay! I love this idea more than any others I've tried or seen. I can't wait to get to the store. Thank you!
I have wanted to make my own labels for years, but didn't know how and broke down and custom ordered them. Thank you so much for sharing how to do this.
Thank you so much for this tutorial. I also have wanted to make quilt labels and have tried unsuccessfully several times. I can't wait to order a stamp. Then I will always have one. I hope to order one for a friend. She is one of those friends who has every thing and I think she would get a big kick out of having one of these. Thank you again Joy
I love this! I'm going to make a bunch of them! dressmaking fabric
So wonderful! Thank you for the idea and the great tutorial!
Contents of this website are good and appreciative.
Sewing Labels
Apparel Woven Labels
I would think a dye-based ink would be perfect, the pigment inks are slow-drying and aren't as stable to me. Maybe pre-washing the tape/binding would help by removing the sizing. I'm a paper-crafter but used to be a seamstress, we had permanent ink pens back in the day that needed heat-setting so that may help, as well.
Thank you for posting this. I love making things but always want it to be a bit more professional like adding a label. I have such wonderful ideas of what I want to put on the labels. Sometimes I wonder if it's more about the labels than the actual piece I am making. I love homemade stuff. Just has so much more value than a commercially sausaged out thing from the shops.
This is very nice blog post & It's informative post to everyone.
Clothing Labels Taffeta Labels Kids Clothing Labels
Joann's has this ink that's permanent and waterproof for paper and fabric.
These look great! I'll have to try the craft punches! Thanks for sharing this tutorial!
Shilpi Creation
I was just searching for where to get these clothing labels from. Thank you for making this video.
I was wondering how you made these iron-on name tags and here you go, posting a great, informative blog on how to make them! Thank you for the exceptional idea.
You are truly the best seriously I been thinking if I really should get my business logo stickers started in you make me want to get my business started you are truly the best you go girl... But one question what's the website that your using to make your sticker's and I also want to learn how to make my own logo's and cartoon face's as well.. so can you please tell me what website to use?? Thanks so much
This is so helpful for my business logo stickers. I've had such a hard time trying to find the perfect dimensions for my business stickers. This will work perfect.
Hello sir, i want to start my clothing labels business in my country. Help me how to start and grow.
You're awesome. Nobody tells people about this iron-on name tags technique in depth like you do. Only way to be successful is to want to see others be successful as well! Thanks Man!
This is definitely beautiful. The clothing labels for business are soo beautiful. Thanks always for sharing.
Am I the only one who desperately wants to have their own business logo stickers shop but would have to learn how to draw in the first place? I'm not totally bad at it but digital drawing is a whole new world for me. Does someone have any tipps for me?
i have sensitive skin, so these iron on name tags uk bother me. does anyone know how to get rid of them without them bugging my skin?
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