
another zig-zag quilt.

This is a little stroller quilt/playmat.

It's pretty much a mini-version of my other pink zig-zag quilt.

Except, it's bound and backed differently. :)

{click any photo to enlarge}

-Have a great Tuesday, I'll be back when I pull myself out of my funk....


  1. so cute--I'm so going to have to try a zigzag!

  2. this is adorable...it makes me want to sew!!!!

  3. Another really cute quilt, Erica! I've been in a kind of funk lately, too...must be something in the water! Feel better soon!!! ;o)



  4. very cute! I think that I am finally going to tackle my big zig quilt tonight...I can't keep putting off that quilting, can I? :)

  5. Another sweet zig zag, love the mix of colors on this one! We all get in a funk once in a while, hope you get your mojo back soon -

  6. I love it. DD#2 is having a baby girl this summer ... I have to make one. What is the size?

  7. Hello Miss!! I keep watching 4 u. My whole life is in a funk!! HA! Your cool don't u worry!:) Lean into the crack it's ok:) You'll come out sooner then later! Promise:)
    A play mat....I never thought of that! Guess I'm not around little people enough to think of it. :);)....Mini quilts are probably more satisfying to make. Instant gratification! Sort of instant..:)
    I haven't sewed in days...fun waiting to see your stuff! Your work is Always beautiful! and inspiring;)

  8. So cute, love the backing fabric. I've been in a funk since Friday, what's up with that. Hope you get out of your's soon :)

  9. Cute! I love the backing, especially with that red in the binding. Looks like a great size too. Hope you can get out of your funk cuz you've been sharing lots of great projects lately!

  10. so cute!!!!

    I just spotted your hex addiction - I too am addicted, and now I think I need to make hope valley hexes. Darn.

  11. Hi there, beautiful quilt!! I'm your newest follower! :) Hope you have a wonderful weekend~hugs, Holly


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