Rebekah of Dontcallmebecky is making a point to utilize some of the projects in her craft books that don't get used as much they should! I thought this was a great opportunity for me to do the same~I had been wanting to make something from Patchwork Style for a loong time. Thank you Rebekah for giving me the kick in the pants I needed. I just finished it about an hour ago so photographing it was kind of a pain since the sun was going down.... You can bet that you will be seeing a lot of this grid style patchwork from me...I am totally in love with it!
You all still have time to enter Rebekah's giveaway and leave your name and project in her Mr.Linky! She's giving away a bag from Heather Ross' Weekend Sewing book and it's super cute...
Very cute! Love the patchwork on the front and the flower on the back, great detail!
That is a really cute bag. It's very clean and modern looking.
Ms. E:)Hello! Great bag! That grid style is very cool your right:)Probably addicting too. I have the Japanese patchwork style book original. Can't read a word of it!:):) Dang! I too have a few of these books, for like 2 yrs! and still haven't tried any myself. Sure are great too look at though..HA! I see now some are out in English. Might have to "rebuy" them:) Over all though I see your style in there :) Very sharp! ;)laura
so so cool! My previous favorite of design was the yellow one by wee wonderfuls, but now I am totally smitten with your linen version. I definitely want to make one of these. It's perfect!
great looking bag!
It's so pretty!
I think I need a kick in the pants! Can't seem to get out of this non-sewing funk.
I love your patchwork bag! So cute and different than the "usual" patchwork style.
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