It always feels good to have your talents called upon for a handmade gift. The other day my mom asked if I could make some coasters that would match her friend's house for a little birthday gift. Having mostly candy-colored and child-like prints in my stash, I dug out some upholstery swatches my interior designer friend gave me about year ago. It's really hard for me to believe that with all of the fabric I own, I haven't got ANY quilting weight burgundy bits!

So, the three prints all come from the same fabric line and match nicely, the linen was just thrown in because I like the way it looked. I don't think I'll ever tire from making coasters. They are such a great little gift to give and take a couple of hours (taking breaks, of course) to bang out. I hope you all enjoy your Wednesday/hump day!
love it!! the fabrics you used are very pretty! i never make a coasters before.. i think i must try...
These are very sweet. Love the colors and how you arranged them.
What a cool project! I love the fabrics you combined into these beauties. They will look so fancy on your mom's friend's table.
love the combination of fabrics!
Great gift done and a lovely looking set.
These coasters are gorgeous!
Have you seen the coaster tut on
Foofanagle? I think you would like it -
These are beautiful! I love your stitching on these
I have attempted to make quilted coasters recently and mine never come out flat. The batting is smooth and the fabric lays flat, but after the coaster is stiched, it curls at opposite corners. Any suggestions? I really love the look of these coasters - the burgundy with the linen is beautiful!
Hey whitepinehokie! I find that when I use Warm and natural or warm and white batting I get better results. It's a little more substantial than some of the other battings and I ALWAYS use 2 layers of batting for the extra fluff! I also iron the coasters at every interval. Hope this helps!
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