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cross my heart :: a quilt.

This is my entry for the Blogger's Quilt Festival 2010. This quilt, although very simple, is near and dear to my heart. Back in November, a loved one was diagnosed with a rare blood disorder, Langerhan's Histiocytosis. Swift medical attention was a must considering the severity of the disease. Unfortunately, my girlfriend is one of many uninsured Americans, making an extremely difficult situation all the worse. A fundraiser was organized to gather the necessary funds for treatment and a visit to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota.

Among the many donations that came in, one anonymous donor stepped up and provided the remainder of the money needed for the medical testing and visit to the Mayo clinic. This warmed my heart so much and I thought a thank-you quilt was in order for this person. I suppose it's the least I could do. This quilt represents love, solidarity, faith, hope and positivity.

It didn't photograph so well, but it's really pretty in person.
{This quilt was inspired by this}
Thanks for stopping by and be sure to check out the rest of the festival quilts!


RosaMarĂ­a said...

that quilt is so beautiful! and that was a lovely way to say thank you to that generous person. Hope your girlfriend be well.

Amy said...

Beautiful quilt with an even more beautiful story. Thanks for sharing.

Molly said...

I love a story that reaffirms my faith in humanity. I love that so many people came together to help your friend. I always believe that people will look out for each other if given the chance. Your quilt is an awesome thank you git for a wonderful person.

Dresden Quilter said...

It is a beautiful quilt. I hope your friend is doing better.

Jessica said...

What a beautiful quilt. Sometimes simple of the best - this is lovely. Thank you for sharing the story behind it as well. I pray that your friend it doing better.

ktquilts said...

Great quilt! Hope your friend is doing well!



Carol said...

I hope things work out well for your friend and her mysterious and obvious guardian angels.
The quilt is beautiful.

Cristin said...

GORGEOUS quilt!!! love all those solids! Thanks for telling the story too. :-)

Mary said...

I really love this! I love the solids and the simplicity, and of course the heart behind it! Best wishes to your dear friend.

Stephanie said...

Love this quilt, and I'm sure the generous person you made it for loves it as well. I hope your friend is much better now.

ma zawi said...

you are amazing.

Angie Padilla said...

This is a lovely quilt. Thank you for sharing a heartwarming story - best wishes for your friend.

Mary-Kay said...

You are a great friend. That's a very thoughtful gift. It reminds me of the Red Cross.

Sandra Schwab said...

What a wonderful quilt! Thank you for sharing it and its story with us. I hope your friend is better by now.

Best wishes from Germany,

Audrie said...

I love the story behind the quilt! It's a gorgeous quilt and I'm sure the donor appreciated it greatly! Hope your friend's doing better :)

LisaE said...

A really heartwarming story and a beautiful expression of your gratitude.

Leslie said...

as soon as i opened this post i just said,"ooooooh!!!!' cause i love this. the solids are so beautiful

Michelle said...

Sometimes the most simple are the most dramatic. This quilt fits that criteria. Such lovely, calming colors. I'm sure the recipient was very please. I hope your friend's treatment is successful.

O'Quilts said...

My favorite kind of quilt is a gift of love like this one!

O'Quilts said...

My favorite kind of quilt is a gift of love like this one!

Terriaw said...

What a wonderful quilt and an even more amazing story behind it. I don't think you have shared a picture of this one. It really is gorgeous (even without the store behind it).

Anna said...

beautiful quilt and so sorry about your loved one.

One Flew Over said...

What a beautiful quilt Erica, the solids you have picked work so well together.

I hope you friend is on the road to recovery - thanks for sharing x

Anonymous said...

I hope you and yours are all healthy and happy. The quilt is wonderful.

Joanne Huffman said...

Things made with love have an intrinsic as well as extrinsic beauty. This is awesome.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful quilt! I love the colors and the story makes it even more special. Wish your girlfriend all the best and thanks for sharing!

anne said...

what a lovely quilt with a lovely story!

Sooz said...

Thanks for inspiring me this morning. It's loving events like this that make the world better.

American Quilter's Society said...

Great work! Can't wait to read more from you. Such a great and beautiful background story.

mary said...

Great color combo. I really like quilts made out of solids.

sewtakeahike said...

I love this pattern with solids Erica! You did a super duper job on it. You've totally inspired me!

Eileen said...

nicely done!! blessings to your friend--how kind of you and all the others who are helping her.

Rebekah said...

Absolutely gorgeous! What a kind gesture for you to make in support of your friend and the generous donor!

Angie said...

That is just beautiful!!!