Making gifts (especially for little girls) is one of my favorite things to do. They are thoughtful, whimsical, charming and bright. This Christmas was the perfect time to pull out a couple of great tutorials to make a little present for a special sweetie I know. The first is the K
idlet, as most of you will know from
JC Handmade. It is a great go-to gift that doesn't take a great deal of time to complete and the end result is perfect! Such a great way to get the little ones to stash their toys out of sight. I decided to make the pocket on mine a little larger than the pattern calls for, but that's because I wanted the next gift to fit inside the pocket...

The sweetest cloth doll in the world. Emily from
Inside A Black Apple has a great tutorial and video from her appearance on the Martha Stewart show, really you all it's a no fail tutorial! Try it out. I also changed this one a bit too, I only printed this pattern out at 117%, instead of the 150% I was supposed to because I wanted it small enough for a 1 year old to tuck under her arm while she bobs around the house on her sea legs. You may also notice that she has no face. This was intentional. The recipient is going to be a big sister pretty soon and i thought it would be neat if she could tell her mommy how she is feeling (sleepy, sad, etc.) a little responsibility that could prepare her for the new baby. Please don't think I'm crazy, we're talking about a pretty well-advanced 1 year old! I also included a sweet little letter to the little girl in the package written from her new dollie. Oh, and a little quilt for her new baby.

I am also aware that when the 1 year old maintains manual dexterity around 3, this dollie will most likely have a face! Hide the markers! ha. I hope you all got to sew up something extra special for a sweet little person over the holidays, it really IS the best!
I have this same doll to make on my to-do list for a niece this year for her birthday. She's four, so I'm going to make it extra clothes and knit a few playmates to go along with her. :) Yours looks wonderful :)
That's an awesome little set! With three boys and it seems just boys or old girls around, I need to find a little girl to make this for! Maybe myself :)
Too cute! I love the little striped legs on this doll. Her blanket and kidlet are the perfect set. What a fun gift to make!
VERY cute. that's the pattern I'm basing Cora's Christmas doll on. It's cut out, just needs to be sewn. I love the fabrics you chose!
You have the best sense of design in your choice of fabrics and colors. I love the bag; and the doll and her quilt are wonderful. Hppy and Creative New Year!
I just love how you put cute pink fabrics together. Both the kidlet and the cloth doll as well as the mini quilt for her are adorable! I like how you give a chance to get creative for your little recipient!
the quilt and doll are so adorable! I love the pink patchwork that you did
Love the bag, doll, and blanket. What little girl wouldn't love that?!?!
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