
red, white and blue.

Happy Independence Day! 

I made these red, white and blue quilt blocks years ago (there are two identical blocks). In fact, they are the first quilt blocks that I ever sewed. EVER. I should have taken a picture of the back. I think I used a super-generous 1/8" seam allowance. ha. If I ever decide to use them, they will need to be heavily quilted to avoid possible disaster in the seams.
Aside from the teeny-tiny seam allowance, I still think they're pretty.

Anyway, It's been 100 degrees outside today and I refused to take part in any outdoor festivities. Instead, I lollygagged about the house and watched America's Funniest Home Videos (AFV for those of you in the know). That's patriotic, right?

{All-American vintage feed sacks in patriotic hues}

Have a safe and happy 4th! 



  1. great vintage fabrics...I see an apron in your future!!

  2. OooOoO those feedsacks look pretty! I can't wait to see what you do with them! :) And very pretty blocks too!~Nice and festive! :) xo Holly

  3. Somehow I missed this post. Very sweet first blocks (my first quilt had a tiny seam allowance and I was shocked to see the seams give).


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happy day!