
grey and green geometric quilt.

Can you tell that I am loving this design? 

Thanks for stopping by! 


  1. I can see why! :)
    such amazing quilt Erica!

  2. Love it! I was just thinking about doing something just like this. When I was in colorado, I came across a cool grey boulder with charcoal and green lichen. Random like value HSTs. Fabulous quilt!

  3. Love love love!!!

    Great colors, awesome quilting.

  4. Love the pattern, the colors and the quilting!

  5. These colors are so perfect together...And I love the way you quilted all around the ditches in doubles. It makes the reverse of the quilt it's own geo.design. Love it!

  6. Love it! How can you lose with green, grey and HSTs :)

  7. again with the perfect color combos!!! i am in love and in awe of your triangle quilts. love them each. this one is no exception as these colors are my favorites these days!

  8. Love your palette. Beautiful quilt.

  9. Did you say the squares are 5" ? Do you have directions to this? And where did you get your material? I love everything about it.

  10. I really need to make a quilt similar to yours. They always come out looking terrific.

  11. I have recently stumbled on your blog and I have just wanted to say, fantastic job. As the previous comments have stated, great colors, great patterning, phenomenal quilting, etc. I just wanted to be on record with the majority. Bravo

  12. This is a beautiful quilt.
    Is it for sale?

  13. I love the colors that you choose. Any chance you remember which ones you used?

  14. i'm preparing to make a quilt for my son and he sent me your photo of this quilt. i'd love to make it. do you have any directions, or is this something you create on your own.
    wendy @ thiessenwendy@hotmail.com

  15. I would love the pattern for this as well! Thank you for sharing!

  16. I stumbled upon this quilt on pinterest and followed the link to your page! You have so many beautiful quilts! This pattern in particular would be perfect for my next project I'm doing for my boyfriend. Did you have a pattern that you followed?

  17. Hi, how did you decide how to pair up the different colors and how to lay them out?


  18. Gorgeous quilt! Would you share where you got both tones of gray fabric?

  19. Hi! I completed a quilt that is similar to this one you have shown. I would like to mimic the quilting lines as well. Can you give some tips on how to do that? I do not have a longarm and my quilt Iis full size! I tried doing line lines before, but I got some really bad wrinkles and snags on the back. Help? Thanks! Burtongirl77@hotmail.com

  20. Hi! I love this quilt! Awesome job! Is there a pattern for it? I would love to know. Thanks!

  21. Hello! I have enjoyed looking at your quilts. This one is one of my favorites and would be perfect for my nephews quilt. Would you be able to share the quilt pattern with me? Thank you so much

  22. Hello! I have enjoyed looking at your quilts. This one is one of my favorites and would be perfect for my nephews quilt. Would you be able to share the quilt pattern with me? Thank you so much

  23. I too am a fan of this quilt! I want to make a similar one in queen size for a wedding gift. Interested to know your square size and how you did your random pairing. mamaspark@gmail.com THANKS!!!

  24. I truly admire your work. I hope some day to quilt as passionately as you!

    Would you mind sharing the pattern for this quilt?

    Have a wonderful day!

  25. I truly admire your work. I hope some day to quilt as passionately as you!

    Would you mind sharing the pattern for this quilt?

    Have a wonderful day!

  26. Is there a pattern for this quilt? My son loves it and I would like to make it for him. Thanks! My email is julieannlong@gmail.com.

  27. Hi Erica, such a great work. I really love it. I would like to make a simular quilt for my step son's 18th Birthday. I thought about upcycling old jeans for it. Do you mind sharing this beautiful pattern? Thanks a lot. daniela.keyser@onlinehome.de

  28. I love this quilt!!! I am new to quilting. I want to make this quilt for my son in a queen size. Could you please share the pattern with me? I would also appreciate any tips and instructions you could provide.


  29. Hi Erica, Great job on this quilt. It looks amazing! Just wondering if you can email the pattern to me? My nephew has selected this quilt design for his 18th birthday quilt. With thanks, Elissa

  30. Beautiful! Exquisite work! If you would be willing to share the greens, grey's and white colors along with the brand of fabric, I would appreciate it! I think these colors would be perfect for the backing of a quilt I am working on. My email is babsjokoch@cs.com. Thank you, Barbara

  31. Love this quilt! I want to make it for my grandson. Can you just tell me what size your blocks are and the finished dimensions? Thanks so much! randall.julie7@gmail.com

  32. Could I get the particulars on this quilt? Thank you. robinseggstras@gmail.com

  33. I would LOVE to do this! Is there a pattern somewhere?

  34. Hi, this looks amazing. Really would like to make this for my new baby nephew. Please can you share a pattern. Thank you! Nina righteousmama82@gmail.com

  35. Love! This quilt is my inspiration for a baby quilt I’m creating (1/2 the size). Using 6 solid colors and following your placement as a guide. Any other tips always appreciated? Thank you 🙏 susan.Ives.georges@gmail.com

  36. Is there a pattern for this quilt? dltjkt@gmail.com

  37. Can you share the pattern for the newbees

  38. Can you share the pattern? Ivonehome@gmail.com


dialogue is good. your comments make my day.
if you need a question answered, make sure your email is in your blogger profile so I can get back to you.
happy day!