
letting my project speak for me...

I could go on and on about what this means but I'll spare you... life is good, really good.

...to the shop it goes...

{measures approx. 7" x 9"}

Have a great Sunday.


  1. So cute, and I think too much also :)

    I see you sold it already, congrats!

  2. LOL....I love this. I do think way too much and everyone around likes to tell me so. It's better than thinking too little, is my opinion on the subject.

  3. Very cute! I'm so glad that you and everyone who commented are the same way as me.. I really need to work on being care-free, haha! I really like the idea of letting a project speak for us!

  4. don't we all do this?! what a great way to capture this reminder and share it with another!

  5. I get it...totally. Very cute project. Enjoy the process.

  6. so cute. and ditto on that. I guess it's good sometimes and bad others. oh well!

  7. sometimes letters are just art for the wall! like this one!
    I love it!

    have a great week!!

  8. so awesome. today, mine would say," i feel too much." but life is good, as you said. very good.

  9. it's perfect! I definitely overthink things, too!


dialogue is good. your comments make my day.
if you need a question answered, make sure your email is in your blogger profile so I can get back to you.
happy day!